The Emperor: Friendly, outgoing, social, loves attention, affectionate, charismatic, hyper-excitable, difficult to calm down, classic extrovert, playful, full of energy, outgoing, and vocal. They’re inquisitive with strangers, love to be adored, like to bark, and are always moving. The fire dog has a short attention span, is more emotionally sensitive than any other elemental dog, and may react strongly to scolding or negative emotions.
Fire dogs thrive on both physical and emotional contact, which is as essential to them as food. They are naturally cuddly and are adept at both giving and receiving affection. When the fire element is deficient in their sociable natures, they can suffer from separation anxiety, overstimulation, and even exhibit dramatic behaviors.
If the fire element is excessive, they can suffer from overheating, panting, excessive thirst, heart and skin issues, insomnia, and can be overly restless.
Breeds: Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Papillon, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Spaniels, Jack Russell Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, Yorkshire Terrier, Italian Greyhound, Pekingese ShihTzu, Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Physical Characteristics: Small head, strong body, and small bright eyes. They are very fast but don’t have a lot of stamina. Their skin tends to be quite pink underneath their fur.
Organs: Heart and Small Intestine
Health Predispositions: Fire dogs may have imbalances of excess heat inside and outside their bodies. They may have stomach/gut issues, allergies, swollen joints, thirst, dry cough, itchiness, and skin issues. They also may be prone to heart conditions and disease.
The Aging Fire Dog: Needs attention and adoration. Fire dogs love short walks where they can gather attention and feel loved. Include them in your social life, and monitor their environmental temperatures by giving them cool places to be outside in the summer heat. Watch for allergic flair-ups, and have regular vet checks for their big hearts.